We are a home of extravagant welcome, learning, living and serving love.
Featured Picture: Trees with Leaves are “Growing” in Our Sanctuary
Who we are
We are Church of Christ Congregational, an Open and Affirming Church of the UCC.
We are a welcoming, seeking, serving, loving collection of folks from many faith backgrounds.
What we do
We serve our community and beyond, building the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Food pantry, clothes closet, community dinners, wellness events, mission trips and work camps, fellowship and small group events.
Where we live
We are located in Norfolk, CT in the Northwest Corner of the state.
With Torrington to the South, Winsted to the East and Canaan to the West, Norfolk is a beautiful, peaceful and friendly place to live, even if it is known as the ”Icebox of Connecticut.”
Listening Circles – We next meet on Wednesday March 26 at 4:15 PM in Battell Chapel. These gatherings are open to all who may be dealing with the loss of a loved one, overwhelmed by global issues, saddened by a significant life change, or grieving in any way. During our time together, we resist the temptation to offer advice or “fixes” for each other. We strive for deep listening, we maintain confidentiality, and we practice revelatory speech (using “I” statements). Please contact Pastor Erick if you wish to take part or if you have questions. . We plan to meet in Pastor Erick’s office, though we may move if the group grows. Thank you!
Fill and Donate an “Easter Basket” to help the Norfolk Food Pantry support our neighbors.
Here is a link to the flyer with all the information as to what is needed and how you can help.
Sincerely Yours: Celebrating Letter Writing, Sat. March 29, 5-6:30 PM in Battell Chapel
Do you miss writing and receiving letters in the mail? Would you like to share a letter you have written or one you have received? Pull out your letter, serious or silly, and share it at Sincerely Yours: Readings to Relish in the Lost Art of Letter Writing. Beverages and dessert will be served. All are welcome to attend! No pre-registration is necessary.
Check out our Recurring Events Page for Wellness and other activities, as well as the church calendar.
A Special Past Event:
Open Mic Night – Saturday, November 16 at 7 PM. All ages, any instruments, songs. stories, etc. BYO drinks and snacks, cash donation to the Norfolk Food Pantry. Most of these performances are now available in a YouTube Playlist.

Come as you are to join us in person or via live stream.

Opportunities for Service and Giving
Support our missions!

See what’s happening!
Our Mission, Values, Goals, Calling and History
Open & Affirming
We welcome and affirm the value of all of God’s children.
Learning Love
We are a community of seekers of all ages. We’re not interested in washing your brain. We’d rather engage it and hear from you about your beliefs, struggles, joys.
Living Love
We strive to express God’s love with joy. Join us any Sunday at 10 AM to find out just what this means: music, prayer, support, preaching, fellowship –and more.
Serving Love
We take care of others, living our faith. Through our Food Pantry, Clothes Closet, Minister’s Discretionary Fund, Work Camps, and weekly Light of Service, we seek to make a positive impact on others, particularly those in need
“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”
Please walk through our doors and give yourself the gift of discovering that you belong here.
May you find a faith that works; may you know God’s love!