A Sense of Wonder

Photo Credit: Jen Pfaltz
W. B. Yeats is quoted, “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” This weekend, Sunday, February 9, you have a chance to “sharpen your senses,” on a “Wonder Walk.” At 11:30 a.m, all are welcome to bring a lunch to enjoy as a group in Battell Chapel. At 12:00 p.m, we will head out to Great Mountain Forest (arriving at 201 Windrow Road around 12:15 p.m.) for a “Wonder Walk.” The walk will include regular stops for a brief spiritual reading chosen by the walk leader. Anyone is welcome to meet at Battell Chapel for lunch, including some who may not wish to walk. Others may skip lunch and meet us at 201 Windrow Road at 12:15 p.m. for the walk. All are welcome to join and experience the wonder!
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