The Evolution of an Experiment

It all started with the idea to move our Sunday Service to 4 PM once a month in February of 2023 to see if that would let some who could not make 10 AM join our service. But the gentleman in the blue sweater in the center of the above photo said he was going to come at 10 AM on Sunday for coffee, no matter what. The pastor said he would meet him there for coffee and some conversation, and some others decided to come join in. This selfie by Jake Green documents our very first Coffee and Conversation at 10 AM on a Sunday morning.
Before Pastor Erick went for his 3-month sabbatical this summer we decided to bring back these “Conversation Sundays” once a month in Battell Chapel. Pastor Erick led the first one, in July, just before leaving. We had wonderful conversations at our tables and then shared with the wider group. And we had good attendance. Best of all it was a chance to get to know each other better and share some of our stories and thoughts on the subject introduced by Erick, “What Causes You to Feel Awe?”

This montage of pictures is from our most recent Conversation Sunday on October 13, let by, ironically, the same Jake Green, a science teacher at Northwest Regional. He had us do some serious thinking and conversation about what it really means to be “Radically Open.” We take pride in our being a home of “extravagant welcome”, and we are an Open and Affirming Church of the UCC. You can read our Open and Affirming Statement HERE. This almost accidental experiment of guided conversation has been a wonderful adventure!
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