For the past twenty-six years Kaiulani Lee has been performing her one-woman play, A Sense of Wonder, based on the life and works of Rachel Carson. The play has been the centerpiece of conferences on conservation, education, journalism, and the environment. She has performed it at over one hundred universities, dozens of high schools, the Smithsonian Institute, the Albert Schweitzer Conference at the United Nations, and at the Department of Interior’s 150th anniversary.

Act One takes place in Miss Carson’s summer home as she is preparing to leave. Fighting cancer, she fears this may well be her last visit to her beloved Maine coast. Act Two begins two months later in the wake of the furor over her book “Silent Spring”. Carson is simultaneously battling the chemical industry, the government, and the press to get her message to Congress and the American people.

10 AM – “Books and Boots” Hike & Talk

Hike the Billings Trail – Tait section while discussing Ben Goldfarb’s new book, Crossings. Meet at 10 AM at the trailhead .4 miles east of the intersection of Grantville and Winchester roads. Offered through The Norfolk Library and The Norfolk Land Trust. No hiking experience or reading is required.

2 PM – “Connecting Community and Nature” Lecture

Join us in Battell Chapel to hear Rebecca Henson Founder of the Rachel Carson Springsong Museum in MD detail the lasting legacy of Rachel Carson and her influence on the modern environmental movement. The Springsong Museum will be created in Silver Springs, MD, near where Rachel Carson lived and wrote her classic, Silent Spring. Offered through Aton Forest. Dr. Frank Egler, Aton Forest’s founder, had a close relationship with Rachel Carson and deeply influenced the writing of Chapter 6 of the classic book. The session will be recorded.

11 AM – Children’s Event: “Help the Pollinators”

Kids of all ages are invited to Battell Chapel to learn about pollinator pathways, start seedlings of purple coneflowers to take home, and make a stepping stone for your home garden. Offered through Great Mountain Forest.

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