Leaning into Our Calling

In 2003 we invited folks in our town and wider community to take a short survey. We carefully read and analyzed the results and were heartened to hear, for the most part, that we were doing a pretty fine job of community service, championing social justice, and serving as a “moral compass”, while at the same time offering an inspiring music program and some meaningful and fun community happenings. But as Paul reminds us, if we do all these things without love, we are “but a resounding gong or clanging symbol.” (1 Corinthians 13:1). Love is the “Why” of the “What” we do. Love is the core of the Gospel message, and of who we as a faith community strive to be. And so we spent some time thinking about how to briefly state this calling. You can see the result proclaimed in the picture above. Learning Love in our Bible and book study discussions and sermons; Living Love in our “Conversation Sundays”, fellowship and wider community events; and Serving Love to meet the needs of those less fortunate, all the time being open and welcoming to all. The picture above is what people see when they enter our church. Thank you to Kristin Mudge, Liz Allyn and Karen Wilson for putting this message front and center in such a beautiful way.
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